

Recinto / Lugar: Santa Catalina

Población: Palma

Información: NOTA: Puede que la información haya variado...

If anyone wants to learn how to ferment I would love to invite you to my workshop in Palma, Mallorca. These workshops sell like hotcakes so dont delay as spaces are limited and they are SO much fun.

I have been a fermenter for years & as a nutritionist who specialises in gut health I can’t recommend ferments enough. Making your own is super easy & way cheaper & healthier than buying from the shops (made with love

So I’d love to share my fermentation secrets in this 2 hour workshop including a gut health talk & q&a

Wed 10 July 11am - 1pm in Santa Catalina, Palma

I will teach you how to make Kombucha, Sauerkraut & pickled radish & if you bring own bring ingredients you can ferment-a-long with me & take home some of your own made sauerkraut. Shopping lists will be provided!

Video explanations for kombucha & sauerkraut & pdf manuals will also be supplied post workshop.

First 2 bookings get their own SCOBY to take home (limited supply)

Booking essential, spaces limited - €35 + eventbrite booking fee

email mays@healthymays.com with any questions

w ww.healthymays.com

Tiempo de hoy

Cartel / Poster


NOTA: Puede que la localización no sea exacta...

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